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Prompt Engineering - Roles You can Give To AI

6 May 2024 by

These are the Categories of special prompt or role play you can give to AI, this is insane truly,

Some prompts are: 

  1. Interactive Storytelling Prompts: Imagine a story where you get to choose what happens next. For example, the prompt could be, "You're lost in a magical forest. Do you follow the mysterious light or listen to the talking animals?"
  2. Imagination Expansion Prompts: Think of a world where animals can talk, or where you have superpowers. An example prompt might be, "You wake up one morning with the ability to fly. What adventures do you have?"
  3. Artificial Creativity Challenges: Picture a robot that can paint pictures or compose music. A prompt could be, "Create a painting that shows what happiness looks like to you, and explain why you chose those colors."
  4. Collaborative Problem-Solving Prompts: Work together with a computer to solve a puzzle or come up with new ideas. For instance, the prompt might be, "You need to build a bridge to cross a river. How can you do it using materials you find in the forest?"
  5. Narrative Role-Playing Prompts: Pretend you're a character in a story and decide what you would do. An example prompt could be, "You're a detective solving a mystery. Who do you think committed the crime, and why?"
  6. Historical Time Travel Prompts: Imagine you can travel back in time to meet famous people or witness important events. A prompt might be, "You're in ancient Egypt during the time of the pharaohs. What do you see, hear, and smell?"
  7. Dream Interpretation Prompts: Think about a dream you had and what it might mean. For example, the prompt could be, "You dream you're flying over a city. What do you think your dream is trying to tell you?"
  8. Character Development Challenges: Create a new character with a unique personality and story. A prompt might be, "Design a superhero with a special power and a secret weakness. What's their origin story?"
  9. Fantasy World Building Prompts: Invent your own magical world with mythical creatures and epic adventures. For instance, the prompt could be, "You're the ruler of a kingdom in the clouds. What creatures live there, and what challenges do they face?"
  10. Ethical Dilemma Scenarios: Think about tough choices and what you would do in tricky situations. An example prompt might be, "You find a wallet with money in it. Do you keep the money or try to find the owner?"

Shiv 6 May 2024
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